Risk Management

Risk Management

Comprehensive risk assessments grounded in years of experience

As a Registered Investment Advisor, we have a fiduciary duty to act in our clients’ best interests. We know that financial planning can be an extremely stressful endeavor, and we are here to support our clients no matter where they are in their lives and careers.

At Intermountain Wealth Management, we run a risk assessment that allows us to better cater to your financial goals. We will not advocate for any strategies that our clients do not feel completely comfortable with. Our clients' health and happiness are our primary goal, and we follow a fiduciary standard of care that ensures our clients always come first.

Why Risk Management?

Risk identification, analysis, and assessment

Managing your financial risk can be stressful if you are not regularly monitoring the market or your financial plan. This is where our experts at Intermountain Wealth Management come in.

Our experts are constantly reviewing your financial plan and the market to make sure we are meeting your financial goals. We have experience in good and bad markets so not only can we manage your risk, but preserve your wealth as well. This is one of the many factors that sets Intermountain Wealth Management apart from the crowd.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions about our financial services? Feel free to schedule an assessment with our team.

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What is risk management?


Investment risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risk. It involves fundamental and technical analysis to help identify and evaluate potential risks.


What are the common types of financial risks?


Common types of financial risks include credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, and systemic risk. Credit risk is the risk of default by a borrower or counterparty, market risk is the risk of losses due to changes in market conditions, liquidity risk is the risk of not being able to meet financial obligations, operational risk is the risk of losses due to internal or external factors, and systemic risk is the risk of a major disruption to the financial system.


What are the benefits of financial risk management?


Individuals can manage financial risk by diversifying their investments, avoiding over-concentration in any one asset or investment, maintaining sufficient cash reserves, and regularly reviewing and updating their investment strategy. Individuals can also purchase insurance policies to protect against certain types of risks, such as health and disability insurance.

What is an Investment Fiduciary?

A Registered Investment Advisor serving as a fiduciary is someone who manages the assets of another person and puts their best financial interests first.

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Why Intermountain Wealth?

We are Registered Investment Advisors serving as fiduciaries

We at Intermountain Wealth Management strive to provide exemplary financial services for clients from all walks of life. Here are two reasons why this is important:


We help individuals put all the pieces of the puzzle together to make one clear financial picture.


With over 30 years of experience and a strong community network, we can help with almost any pain point or issue our clients may have. Instead of spending endless hours of work and stress on your own, let us help create a plan that is easy for you.

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