The Professor Retirement System

The Professor Retirement System

At Intermountain Wealth Management, we understand that the life of a university professor is a unique and rewarding one. However, the academic landscape often comes with complex financial challenges. Whether you're planning for retirement, or optimizing your income streams, or transitioning positions our dedicated team of financial experts is here to support you every step of the way. We specialize in providing personalized financial guidance tailored specifically to the needs of university professors, helping you achieve your academic and financial aspirations simultaneously.

Why Financial Planning for Professors?

Success through our system

Financial planning for university professors involves a holistic examination of your entire financial landscape, specifically tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of your academic career. At Intermountain Wealth Management, we specialize in helping professors like you strategically manage your finances to achieve both short-term and long-term financial objectives. Our comprehensive approach covers several key areas that are particularly relevant to your academic journey:

Investment Management

Just as you meticulously research and develop your academic projects, our team at Intermountain Wealth Management applies the same dedication to investment management. We exercise discretionary authority over client accounts, ensuring that your investments, including stocks and bonds, are aligned with your financial goals. Our approach includes proactive adjustments in response to changing market conditions, safeguarding your financial future.

Tax Strategy

The IRS's goal is to collect as much as legally possible, while yours is to pay the legally minimal amount. We understand the nuances of academic income sources, moonlighting, and tenure considerations. Our tax strategy is designed to minimize capital gains taxes by closely monitoring your financial accounts. We'll also analyze your current tax strategy for potential gaps, putting more money back in your pocket to contribute toward your academic and personal objectives.

Estate Planning

"Get your estate in order" is a familiar phrase, but we go beyond thsee words to provide a comprehensive understanding of what this means for university professors. We help you establish advanced plans to ensure your academic legacy is passed on exactly as you intend. Moreover, we work to minimize the tax burden on the recipients of your estate, addressing the emotional but essential aspect of your financial plan. Our objective is to provide a clear roadmap for your financial legacy while identifying areas that may require special attention.

Insurance Monitoring

WE DO NOT SELL INSURANCE. As your academic and financial life evolves, so do your insurance needs. Over or under-insuring can result in unnecessary premiums or over exposure to risks. We continuously monitor your insurance to ensure you are appropriately covered, safeguarding your financial well-being in a dynamic academic environment.

What is Professor Process?

Understand what the first year looks like

Introductory Call

The first step involves establishing a clear understanding of the professor’s needs and objectives and defining the scope of the engagement. This step includes discussing the planner's services, responsibilities, and compensation structure.

Gathering Professor Data and Goal Setting:

In this step, the planner collects extensive information about the professor's financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and goals. The goal-setting process involves helping the professor define their financial aspirations, both short-term and long-term.

Analyzing and Evaluating the Professor's Financial Status:

The planner analyzes the professor's financial data and assesses their current financial situation. This step may involve conducting a financial statement analysis, cash flow analysis, and assessing risk tolerance.

Developing and Presenting the Financial Planning Recommendations:

Based on the analysis, the planner formulates financial planning recommendations tailored to the professor's needs and goals. These recommendations cover various areas, including investments, retirement planning, tax strategies, insurance, and estate planning. The planner presents these recommendations to the client for discussion and approval.

Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendations:

Once the professor has approved the recommendations, the planner assists in implementing them. This may involve opening investment accounts, meeting with an estate attorney, or taking specific actions to achieve the outlined financial goals.

Monitoring the Financial Planning Recommendations:

Financial planning is an ongoing process. The planner continually monitors the professor's progress toward their goals and reviews the financial plan regularly. Adjustments may be made to the plan as necessary due to changes in the professor's life circumstances or financial market conditions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions about our financial services? Feel free to schedule an assessment with our team.

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How do I know which financial planner is right for me?


You want someone who is there to serve you, and you only. This means you want an advisor is considered independent meaning they don’t work for another bigger firm that is calling all the shots. You want and advisor who is Fee-only, this means the only income they receive is from their clients. The old adage "don’t bite the hand who feeds you" applies to advisors. Are you the hand that feeds them or this manager? Fee-only creates the highest level of commitment from advisor to client. You want an advisor who is a true fiduciary, someone who puts your interest first. Hiring a fiduciary to serve as your advisor will help you sleep well knowing he/she is on your side 100%.


How do I create a financial plan?


To create a financial plan, you should start by assessing your current financial situation, including your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Then, you should identify your financial goals and determine the steps you need to take to achieve them. This may involve creating a budget, setting up a savings plan, investing in a diversified portfolio, and managing your debt. You may also want to work with a financial planner to help you create a comprehensive plan that takes into account your unique needs and circumstances.


How often should I review my financial plan?


You should review your financial plan regularly, at least once a year, to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. You may need to adjust your plan as your circumstances change, such as when you experience a change in income, have a major life event, or experience a shift in the economic climate.


Why is financial planning important?


Financial planning is important because it can help you achieve your financial goals, such as saving for retirement, paying off debt, or buying a house. It can also help you manage financial risks and make informed decisions about investments, taxes, and insurance. By having a financial plan, you can have greater control over your financial future and make better use of your resources.


What is the first step in financial planning?


The first step is to decide what your financial goals are, from there we will create a custom financial plan that will meet your financial goals.

What is an Investment Fiduciary?

A Registered Investment Advisor serving as a fiduciary is someone who manages the assets of another person and puts their best financial interests first.

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Why Intermountain Wealth?

We are Registered Investment Advisors serving as fiduciaries

We at Intermountain Wealth Management strive to provide exemplary financial services for clients from all walks of life. Here are two reasons why this is important:


We help individuals put all the pieces of the puzzle together to make one clear financial picture.


With over 30 years of experience and a strong community network, we can help with almost any pain point or issue our clients may have. Instead of spending endless hours of work and stress on your own, let us help create a plan that is easy for you.

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